Saudi Ministry of Culture Celebrates First Graduates of Cultural Scholarship Program

Saudi Ministry of Culture Celebrates First Graduates of Cultural Scholarship Program

The Saudi Ministry of Culture honored the inaugural graduates of its Cultural Scholarship Program in a ceremony held on Thursday at the King Fahd Cultural Center in Riyadh. The event marked a significant milestone in the Kingdom’s cultural development efforts, celebrating the achievements of 157 young Saudi men and women who have completed their studies in various cultural disciplines at prestigious institutions around the world.

Deputy Minister of Culture Hamed Fayez, along with several ministry officials, cultural figures, and the families of the graduates, attended the ceremony. The program, which was launched as part of Saudi Vision 2030 in 2019, aims to cultivate a generation of cultural pioneers who are equipped to contribute to the Kingdom’s ongoing cultural transformation.

In his address, Fayez emphasized the importance of developing cultural capabilities, noting that such efforts enhance global cultural dialogue, foster knowledge exchange across generations, and position Saudi Arabia to compete in the global creative industries. He highlighted that the Cultural Scholarship Program is designed to empower graduates to play a vital role in the Kingdom’s cultural prosperity.

The ceremony also featured demonstrations by the graduates, showcasing the skills and knowledge they acquired during their studies. These included short films, artistic and musical works, portraits, and creative sculptures, all reflecting the new dimensions added to their cultural awareness and expertise.

The event included cultural performances, with a play titled “The Footsteps of the Ancestors Followed by the Grandchildren” and a musical performance “We Build on What They Did” by an orchestra band. A visual presentation chronicled the history of the Cultural Scholarship Program, highlighting its achievements and featuring interviews with graduates who shared their experiences studying abroad.

The Cultural Scholarship Program is part of the National Strategy for Culture, under the umbrella of Saudi Vision 2030. It offers Saudi students the opportunity to study cultural and artistic disciplines at world-renowned institutions. Fields of study include archaeology, design, museums, music, theater, filmmaking, literature, visual arts, and culinary arts.

As the ceremony concluded, graduates were honored for their accomplishments, symbolizing the beginning of their journey as cultural ambassadors for the Kingdom. The Ministry of Culture called on those with a passion for cultural studies to apply for future scholarship opportunities, encouraging them to enrich their careers and contribute to Saudi Arabia’s cultural legacy.

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