Over 6 Million Students Return to School in Saudi Arabia as New Academic Year Begins

Schools in Saudi Arabia

Over six million students across Saudi Arabia are set to return to classrooms on Sunday, August 18, 2024, marking the beginning of the new academic year after the summer break. The return comes as more than 30,000 public, private, international, and foreign schools prepare to welcome nearly 500,000 teachers, ensuring a smooth start to the school year.

The start of the academic year also coincides with the second-round exams for students who did not pass certain subjects during the first round, as well as the distribution of new textbooks to students. This academic year is particularly noteworthy as it marks the introduction of Chinese language classes in select intermediate schools. This initiative, which aims to gradually expand to third-year high school students by 2029, will be carefully evaluated at the end of each academic year to assess its progress.

In the days leading up to the school reopening, there has been a noticeable increase in activity at stores and bookstores across the Kingdom. Parents and students have been busy purchasing school supplies, including uniforms, bags, shoes, and other essentials. Retailers have responded by offering competitive prices and various promotions to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of students of all ages.

On the occasion of the new academic year, Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh, emphasized the importance of knowledge in Islam, reminding the public that the first word revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was “Iqra” (Read). He highlighted the crucial role that teachers play in guiding students towards success in both this world and the hereafter.

Sheikh Abdulaziz urged educators to be sincere in their efforts, to offer good advice, to engage in open dialogue with their students, and to listen attentively. He stressed the importance of guiding students towards what benefits them, strengthens their faith, and helps them become valuable members of society.

The Grand Mufti also addressed students, advising them on the importance of time management and effective use of their time. He encouraged students to focus on their studies, learn from their teachers, and heed the guidance of their parents and leaders. By doing so, he said, they can become successful individuals who contribute positively to their families and the nation, which continues to support and facilitate their happiness and success.

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